Harrr Mateys. This be yer Cap'n Mav. I be blowing me coat so today Lisa the Mean decided to help me out. Harrr, she has machine called a Master Blaster Mateys and this thing really gets out the old hair. If ye look real close ye can see if flying around me.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
She is blowing away all your fluff!!! That's so terrible! We need to keep our fluff, until we are ready to get rid of it, and then we want to leave it in the right places....like the furniture, and bed, and carpet, and clothing.............
Hi Cap't Maverick.
It looks like it's snowing on your side with the fur floating about.
~ Girl girl
WOW that is alot of fluff!!!! I am very impressed. However, how dare she take away all of your fluff (like Holly said).
Hugs, Sitka
But... but wait just a Sibe-plucking minute! Does this mean you don't have to get BRUSHED??!?! How does this work???
PS: Sorry for the harsh language!
Harrr, it feel good to have the flow blowed out. Much cooler. And the Cap'n can grow new fluff. We get brush but not every day. Blower works great. No FURminator here, harr, evil FURminator.
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