Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Cap'n Got Mail

Harrrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n got a package in the Mail Harrrrr.

It be from Charlie Opy Greg and Brooke Harrrrr.

What Be inside Harrrrrr.

A new Pirate collar, 2 new skull and cross bone placemats, A new pirate food bowl, and a card from Charlie and Opy Harrrrrr.

This be Yer Cap'n eating his food in his new bowl with his placemat and collar Harrr.Ye can see the placemat and collar real good in this one Harrr.

Look at the inside of the bowl it has a great big skull and cross bone in it Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n Thanks Charlie, Opy, Greg and Brooke for this cool present Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey day

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n hopes everybody had a great Thanksgiving day Harrrrr. Also yer Cap'n hopes everybody got a lot of turkey and sang all 17 minutes of Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie while watching the Macy's day Parade Harrr. There was a Pirate balloon in the parade with people dressed as pirates Harrrrr. That was yer Cap'ns favorite part of the parade Harrrrr.

Lisa the Mean left Monday to dog sit and has not come back yet Harrrrrr. So Yer Cap'n has been getting lots of cookies from mom Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, November 21, 2008

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n watched Preston go inside to sleep in his crate all night. Harrrrr. He said he was old and he suffers in the cold Harrrrrr. So yer Cap'n and Gloria conspired for a while Harrrrrr. We came up with howl and howl and howl Harrrrrr. So when the people could not think or sleep they would give in and take us all in the house Harrrrr. You guys know it is cold outside so if Preston suffers we all suffer Harrrr.

A Happy warm

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate and Crew

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gold Eye Eddie

Harrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n has been so proud of Gold Eye Eddie Harrrrr. Eddie only need 2 more points to become a Champion Harrrrr. So yer Cap'n is going to post some of Gold Eye Eddies win photos Harrrrrr.

Eddies first points in July
Eddies 1st Major in August

Eddies second major in October Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, November 14, 2008


Harrrrrrr Mateys
The Other day the man rented this Harrrrr.
It be a log splitter mateys Harrrrr. Lisa the Mean and the man split logs all day with the Cap'ns help Harrrrr.
Yer Cap'n stacking wood Harrrrr.

In one day Yer Cap'n helped Lisa the mean and the man split and stack over two quarts of wood Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n had worked so hard he thinks he needs a nap Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Harrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n just got new pics of the Halloween costume contest Harrrrr. Bud Norris took them Harrrr Thank you so much Matey. These are so much better than the one Mom took Harrrr.
You get a good shot of yer Cap'ns sword in this one Harrrr.

Don't you just love the hat Harrrrr.

If ye Mateys were looking for yer Cap'ns tail, this be where it is Harrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, November 07, 2008


Harrrrrr Mateys
These be some pictures of the Gettysburg battle fields Harrrr.Yer Cap'n only had time to go through half of the field Harrrr. These pictures the Cap'n took do not do it justice Harrrrr.But it is the best yer Cap'n could do Lisa the Mean was not helping me that much Harrrrr.
This be a monument to an Irish Regiment Harrrr.

This is an information stand of the Bloody Wheat Field Harrrr.

A monument to somebody, we could not read his name Harrrrrr.

Some of the battle field

More Battle field with monuments Harrrrr.

A huge wall with names of people that faught in that regiment Harrrr.

A real canon Harrrrrr. Isn't it huge Harrrrr.

Another Regimental monument Harrrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
P.S. Yer Cap'n also got to see Miss Fluffy Tail and Princes Sunshine Meadow Harrr. Yer Cap'n wished he had more time to talk but we had to get home to vote for Turbo and Khyra Harrrr.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Harrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n finally woke up from his trip Harrrrr. It be a long way Harrrrr.
Here are some pictures of tunnels yer Cap'n go through Harrrrr.
The tunnel are a lot of fun to get through Harrrrr. It even turns off yer cap'ns radio when you go through it Harrrrr.

Coming up on the entrance Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n had to remove his sun glasses Harrrrr.

This be the inside the tunnel Harrrrr.

It be a long long tunnel Harrrr

You can see the light at the end of the tunnel Harrrrr.
More pictures tomorrow Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate