Harrrrrr Mateys
Today be fish day Wednesday Harrrrr. This week yer Cap'n is going to talk about the Megamouth Shark Harrrrr.

This be a video of the megamouth Harrrrr. This shark is still being studied so there is not much info on them they seem to be relatively harmless Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Ahoy Cap'n! That is a furry weird shark woo brought us today! Kind of an ugly duckling of a shark, no? Tori would like to be a Pirate. We're tryiing to think up a good pirate name fur her, but nothing strikes her fancy yet We'll keep at it...
a-roos & woos,
Black Jack a-roo and Tori-who-wants-to-be-a-Pirate-too
Hi, Mav!
Yes, Megamouths are big and ugly!
Kisses and hugs
hello capn maverick its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow!!! if that shark is so harmless then why is it so big???? ok bye
Wow, dat's a big shark!
Wow, it's huge!
It might be harmless but it has a very big mouth and that scares me!
It seems to me that they could mean no harm but still swallow a cute fluffy boy like me whole!
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