Harrrrrr Mateys
If ye ever go though southern Missouri and find a town called Osceola Stop there Harrrr.
This be the reason why Harrrrrr.

It is a big cheese tourist trap ran by a mouse Harrrr.
This be what we got at Osceola Cheese Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n is really interested in that Buffalo Summer Sausage Harrrrr.
Mom bringed it home in a brown paper bag trying to fool me but nothing gets by the Cap'n Harr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
So how was the sausage? Inquiring minds - about 6 of them - want to know.
Err...that looks like a lot of chees and sausage for one pup. there are 2 others in Califurnia that wouldn't mind sharing!
Wild Dingo
MMMM, that does sound tasty, Cap'n! Me thinks those kinds of sausages would be good to have along on sea voyages, too.
a-roos to yous,
Black Jack a-roo
and Tori too
Holy smokes, look at the size of that MOUSE!!!
Play bows,
That all looks soooo yummy!!! Wanna share some with us? :)
We're back, Cap'n. we just read the post you made n our blog & we wants to say that Tori likes the Pirate name woo picked out fur her - so "Typhoon Tori, Terror of the Seven Seas" she be!
Black Jack a-roo & Typhoon Tori
Woooos! Cheese! My favorite!!!but that giant rat needs to be taken care of! I will be on the lookout for it!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Cheese and sausages??
OMD! I am drooling!
Kisses and hugs
Mom's high school played Osceola in football, but she's never had their cheese. What was she thinking?!?
hello capn maverick its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am so their!!! i am planning a trip now!!! i just hav to figger owt how to wurk that stoopid car thing withowt enny thums!!! ok bye
That is the biggest mouse I have ever seen. I would like to try the sausage AND the cheese please!
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