Harrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n be impressed with the poems ye mateys wrote Harrrr. They were great Harrr. Today for Cap'n Maverick school of Piracy we are going to talk about Pirate ships Harrrrrr.

This be a Naval Sloop, a fast ship at 113 tons, 65 foot ship that can carry 70 men Harr. It could also fit oars thrugh small openings between the gun ports to pursue pirates Harrr. In good weather the naval ship could fire 12 nine poundscannons at the rate of 2 rounds every three minutes Harrrrr. Watch out for this ship mateys.

So mateys, what be yur favorite ship?
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Forget sailing too much work! We like our powerboat! it goes fast!
-Kira The Navigator!
hello capn maverick its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmm maybe i shood hav hired wun of theez ships insted of quints silly littel boat i bet a wale cud never sink theez!!!! ok bye
It looks like there are as many ships and vessels as there are kholours fur Siberians!
I never knew there were so many types of ships! I don't think I saw that many when I found the one in that picture.
Hi, Mav!
All those ships are pawesome.
I like specially the East Indianman!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
My favourite is the Brigantine. I think I just like the name.
Huffle Mawson
Woos & a-roos Cap'n Mav!
Ships! Ships! Ships!
We love ships. Here in our new home in Newport, we get to see lots & lots of them, too. When we moved here, they had a Tall Ships Festival and all sorts of ships like these docked into port. We even watched them float by during the parade of ships. Our favorite pirate ship was The Black Pearl, it was AWESOME!
Our mom's still working on how to identify the different types of ships, they sure are a lot!
Woos & a-roos,
Star of the Seven Seas &
Black Jack-a-roo
Wowzers! Those are ALL cool! I haven't seen a ship on the Kansas Ocean yet, so I'll just go with my bestest friend Huffle and say I like the Brigantine best.
Play bows,
I love that Sloop! I could get one and steer it in circles, and call it my Sloop Loop! (I like Fruit Loops)
Hi Cap'n Maverick, sir! Hmm... it's hard to pick. I think I'll go with the Brigantine because it's got a nifty pirate flag.
Harrr...I mean, see ya!
What's a ship? I must say, Maverick, you do confuse the Mango every week about this time.
Great Ship! Amazing blog!
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