Harrrrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n got a junk mail catalog Harrrrrr
So I flipped through it and found this cat pirate ship Harrrrrr. Yer Cap'n think Tia, Huffle, and Wilbur need one Harrrrrrr.
Ye can get them at www.lakeside.com

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Oh, wow! I think I'd like one, too! I wonder if it's ok for honorary kitty-cats!?!
Play bows,
I WANT ONE! How awesome.
Huffle Mawson, who would definitely let Zim on her pirate ship
That's hilarious!!! I definitely think our Khat friends would like that!!!
Wooos! I think my Bentley would like that too! How cool, since he never goes on my boat.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I know our kitty friends would love it!
Kisses and hugs
hello capn maverick its dennis the vizsla dog hay cool!!! i am not shoor trouble the kitty wood find this amyoozing but i am willing to find owt!!! ok bye
We don't know about cats, but that looks like fun. Exactly how long do you think it would last at our house?
Who knew? That cat is going to need a body of water, me thinks.
Ahoy, Cap'n Mav,
Do they make one sibe-sized? Looks like a lot of fun for those boring days when the wind won't blow yer ship o'r the seas.
Woos & h-arrrrs,
Star of the Seven Seas and
Black Jack a-roo
That is super cool, but Mom says I don't need anymore stuff. I will claw her until she caves.
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