Harrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n got pictres of the new toy Harrrrrr. Had to drag Lisa the Mean out of bed to do it Harrrr. A pirates got to do what a Pirates got to do Harrrrrrr.

Hear yer Cap'n looking at Lisa The Mean so she lets go of my new pirate toy Harrrr.

Cap'n Mave sitting with his new toy Harrrrr. It is a pirate rubber chicken Harrrr.
Do you see his peg leg he even holding a telescope in one wing and has a hook on the other Harrr.
He also has a pirate hat but the Cap'n nose got in the way Harrrrr.

Hear is yer Cap'n chasing after the pirate toy Harrrr.

Lisa the Mean is trying to take my pirate chicken Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n does get it away form Lisa the Mean

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Harrrr there Pirate,
With a cool new toy like that, it looks like it was worth it not to go to Omaha. You sure look like you are having fun.
Wags, the OP Pack
Khlukhky Khukhky Harrrrrrrrrr!!!
Make him strut up the plank!!
Hugz&Harrrrrr Khysses,
Now that looks like a great toy!
WOO WOO Capn Maverick
we are so glad Lisa the Mean got your new toy and what a great one it is. We hope she lets you play with every day!
Thor and Marco Polo
A pirate rubber chicken? Could there be a more perfect toy in all the world? We think not. Good thing you got it away from Lisa the Mean: me'thinks she would have tried to secret it away to her own buried treasure box!
That's a furry cool toy!
Woo woo, KA
Hi, Mav!
It makes me so happy to see you in those pictures playing with your Pirate Chicken!
Looks like a great toy!
Kisses and hugs
WOOO Mav! What awesome photos! I love your chicken. Sitka had one of those but I took it. She never played with it, but I love to step on it's tummy and make it make noise. Do woo do that?
Puppy Woos,
Cornelia Marie
'Ello Matey,
Arrr, me verily want that chicken pirate toy. Aye, me parrot concurs.
We saw that one at the store the other day and thought of woo. I wonder if was at the same time that you were playing with yours.
Princess Eva
Ha-woo wooo, what a perfect toy for the Cap'n! Looks like fun.
We gave you an award on our blog - stop by, Cap'n Mav!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Black Jack aroo
HarrWoo there Mav~
Great pics of you and that khlukhi pirate. Way to show him who the Cap'n is!! I think I heard him squakin'.
Your pal,
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