Monday, October 03, 2011

The Maverick

Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mateys

Does Everybody remeber the Wacky Races with Dick Dastardly's cool car.

If so ye guys need to check this out Harrrrr. Even if you don't remeber ye guys need to check this out Harrrr.

It is called the Maverick Harrrrr!!!!!!,AAAAACVfYk8~,joSdWnzSW52I3biFIiOnReAeU9xSq3Jt&bctid=635469588001

Cap'n Maverick the Piarate

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

funny tv

Harrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n was watching tv and saw this great commercial Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick The Pirate

Monday, September 19, 2011

International talk like a pirate day!!!!!

Harrrrr Mateys

It be International Talk Like a Pirate day Harrrrr.

This year mom got me this cool ball to celebrate Harrrr.

It says X marks the spot Harrrr.

Here is the other side of it Harrrr.
If you look closely it have a little map in the background Harrrr

This is yer Cap'n checking out the new pirate ball.

Do ye see the little dollop of yogurt on me nose Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n was pillaging some before this shot was taken Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

P.S. Real pirates talk like pirates everyday Harrrr.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Deadliest Catch

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n was watching Deadliest Catch last night Harrrrr. They had a segment on the Time Bandit about talking like a pirate Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n watched and scratched his head Harrrr. They where not talking like pirates they where swearing like sailors Harrrrrr. Yer Cap'n does not know what to say about the whole deal Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, June 03, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n got this package in the mail yesterday Harrrrrr.

Yer Cap'n wonder who could it be from??? Harrrrr.

It be from Hot Topic Harrrrrr.
We opened the Package and this is what was inside Harrrrr.

It say Pirates of the Caribbean on it Harrrrrrr!!!!!!

This is yer Cap'n checking it out and rubbing on it Harrrrr.

Yes Mateys it be a Cap'n Jack throw Harrrrrrr. It be very warm and cuddly Harrrr.

This is the pic on the throw Harrrrr.

I think I need to take a nap on it to see how well it works Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Monday, May 30, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

This is what Lisa the Mean brought home from Hot Topic Harrrr.

Can ye Mateys guess which one be yer Cap'ns present Harrrrr?

It be this cool POTC key chain Harrrr.

This is a close up of it Harrrr.

Davie Jones will never get this key Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

P.S. this is not exactly what I had in mind but she did say something is coming in the mail for yer Cap'n Harrrr.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Big news

Harrrrr Mateys

Big news other then Lisa the Mean came home with a present Harrrrrr.

They brought an anchor up from the bottom of the ocean Harrrrr. It is not just any anchor it is and anchor from the Queen Anne's revenge Harrrr. The Flag ship of Blackbeard Harrrrrrr. It has been under water for over 300 year Harrrrr.

Here is a link of the video of it surfacing Harrrr.

Very Excited
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n has not seen the new POTC movie Harrrrrr. It is all Lisa the Means fault Harrrrr. She is in Iowa and has been for several days Harrrrr.

She did text yer Cap'n saying she stopped at Hot Topic and got yer Cap'n something with POTC on it for yer Cap'n harrrr. Do they even have a Hot Topic in Iowa???? Harrrrr How can yer Cap'n believe Lisa the mean Harrrrr. She is not here and I don't have the present she supposedly got for yer Cap'n Harrrrr. When and if she ever comes home we are going to have some words Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Saturday, May 14, 2011

D'Azul Siberians blog name stolen

It has been brought to our attention that our defunct D'Azul Siberians blog has been stolen and taken over by another group of people. Since we had deleted that blog some time after Penny passed away as our heart just wasn't in it any more, we cannot really do anything about it. Anyway, anyone with links to the D'Azul Siberians blog, you are now linking to a blog about dieting or something with people we don't know. I did leave a comment on their blog but am not sure it was allowed to post as they have restricted comments to members of the blog. Our apologies if this causes any problems for anyone. Please pass this message on.

Cecile, who has hijacked Maverick's blog for this important post

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n had a big storm blow over yesterday Harrrr. but it is over and we are all ok Harrr.

The other day Yer Cap'n be watching the news and saw that Princess Kate went shopping at the grocery store Harrrr.

Here she is pushing her own Basket Harrrr.

This makes yer Cap'n wonder if she was shopping for things to cook in the new toaster Yer Cap'n got them for the wedding Harrrrr.
This be a pic of the toaster that yer Cap'n got them Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n wonders if they are going to cook one of Lisa the Means favorite in the new toaster Cinnamon swirl Raisin bread Harrrrr.

Here be one of yer Cap'n favorite for the toaster Harrrrr. Eggo's Harrrr. For the days ye just don't have enough time to cook waffles Harrrr.

Or the traditional English muffin Harrrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Home Harrrrr

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n has made it back home Harrrrr. What a wedding Harrrrr.

This be a flower I stole off of Wills cake Harrrrr.

He did not even know it was missing Harrrrrr.

Yer Cap'n brought it back for Lisa the Mean Harrrrr.

It was hard not to eat it Harrrr. Yer Cap'n did take a little taste off of one of the peddles Harrr.

This be a portrait of the Queen, yer Cap'n, Moo and the corgis Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n is happy to be back home after dropping Moo off in Rhode Island. Now off to go take a nap Harrrr.

The Good ship Mavericks Run needs some work Harrrr. the Titanic theme song was playing in my head most of the way home.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Saturday, April 30, 2011

sight seeing and cake

Harrrrr Mateys

After the wedding came the parties Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n got to the Buckingham palace just in time to help with the cake Harrrrr.

This be yer Cap'n tasting the cake Harrrr.

These bakers did a great job with this cake Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n could not wait to eat a huge piece of it Harrrr.

After the parties we said good bye to Buckingham palace Harrrr.

It was so much fun there Harrr.

This be yer Cap'n and Moo taking a sight seeing bus Harrrr.
We got to see everything Harrrr.
Including Big Ben and the London Eye Harrrr.
Now off to get ready to set sail for home Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
P.S. Bumboo Moo has more about the cake on her blog

Friday, April 29, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

What a great day it is so far Harrrrrr.

Here are some pics of the wedding of the Century Harrrr.

This be yer Cap'n waiting for Moo to get to the Church after her spa treatment Harrrrr. She looked great and smelled great when she arrived Harrrr.

This is Moo and yer Cap'n seated waiting to see Kates dress Harrr. While we waited prince Will and Harry passed by Harrr.
Yer Cap'n would be styling if I had a red jacket like that Harrr.

This be Kate and will admiring yer Cap'n during all those speeches Harrrr.

Now off to the party's Harrrr!!!

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

P.S. Bumboo Moo will be blogging some of her wedding pics also Harrrr.

playing with the queens corgies

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n is seated and watching all the Royals come in Harrrrr.

here are some more pictures from yesterday Harrrr

Yer Cap'n started talking to the queens corgies Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n thought they would make great cabin boys Harrrrrr.

They have short legs and they could fit in to small places Harrrr.

They declined saying it is fun to eat bon bons and crumpets Harrrrr.

They did ask me to play with them in the garden Harrrr.
Here is a close up of us Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

More news and pics to come Harrrrr.
Don't forget to check Bumboo moos blog for info too.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

some sight seeing

Harrrrrr Mateys,

Here be some pics of yer Cap'n and Moo sight seeing Harrrr.

On our way to get something to eat we inspected this Royal Calverley man.

Moo found a spot on his shoe Harrrrr.
This Fish and Chip sign tells us the history of Fish and Chips Harrrr.

Bumboo Moo and ye Cap'n eating there famous fish and chips Harrr.

It be so yummmy Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

We are in England

Harrrrrrr Mateys

Moo and Yer Cap'n made it to England!!!!!!!!!!!

This is us arriving at the Goring Hotel where Kate is staying Harrrrr.

How do you like the Limo we rented Harrrrrr.

This is us getting out of the car with our bags Harrrr. We are so excited to be here for the Royal Wedding Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

P.S. Bumboo Moo is also going to blog about the trip on her blog too Harrrr.
We are off to get some fish and chips and a spot of tea Harrrr.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Date for the Royal Wedding

Harrrrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n is going to tell everyone his secret + 1 date for the Royal Wedding Harrrrrr.

Ye Ready for it Mateys??????


It Be Bumboo Moo Harrrrrrr.

She had the winning ticket Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n is on his way to pick her up in the Good Ship Mavericks Run on the way to the Royal Wedding Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Packed and almost ready to go!!!!!!

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n has been packing for the Royal Wedding Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n went through his check list a lunch box with snacks, sword, blunderbuss, garland, the pirate outfit, hats pencils note pad, camera and some other things Harrrr.
Yer Cap'n packed it neatly in his pirate super shopper Harrrr.

Look yer Cap'ns sword even fits in it Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n is just about ready to set sale on the Good Ship Mavericks Run.

Stopping to pick up my mystery Girl plus one on the way Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n has decided to take the hat that shows yer Cap'ns ears Harrrrr. Thanks for helping yer Cap'n chose Harrrrr.

Today yer Cap'n was updating his face book page and saw that there is a contest to go to Disney land and see the new POTC movie and some of the Pirates Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n entered it and so did Lisa the Mean Harrrr. Ye can enter it by licking Good Morning America and entering there contest Harrrrr.

Back to packing

Cap'n Maverick the Priate

Friday, April 22, 2011


Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n is thinking about what to wear at the Royal wedding Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n can't decide on which hat to wear Harrrrr.

This one that covers me ears

Or this one that does not cover me ears Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Queen birthday

Harrrrrr Mateys

It be the Queens birthday Harrrrrr. Yer Cap'n can't wait to see the Queen during the Royal wedding Harrrr. Yer Cap'n is hoping she saves us some cake Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n Has selected his + 1 and will revile it later Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n also RSVP his invite so yer Cap'n is still going Harrrrr. The Good Ship Mavericks Run is getting better by the day Harrrrr.

All ye lucky Lady's out there be watching for yer Cap'ns email Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n has his invite Harrrrrr. Here is a pic of it Harrrrr.

It says Be There or be Square Harrrr.

Who will be the plus one I can take Harrrr?

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Houston we sprung a leak

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n tested the Good Ship Mavericks Run in the pond Harrrrrr. Bad news it sprung a leak and we had to abandon ship Harrrr. We called in a tow truck and got it pulled out Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n is going back to the drawing board Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Monday, April 11, 2011

Royal wedding

Harrrrrr Mateys Yer Cap'n be searching the Internet for Royal Wedding cruses Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n came up to this site Harrrrr. So if ye mateys know anybody that is going to tie the knot ye should look in to it Harrrrr. But Kate and Will will not be on the boat Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n will not be on the boat either because he already knows about knots Harrrrr. Cap'n Maverick the Pirate P.S. off to go work on me ship Harrrrrr.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Lindsey's plans

Harrrrr Mateys

This morning Lindsey pirate in Training came running to yer Cap'n, Harrrr. She say she had her Plans ready for the Cap'ns approval for The Good Ship Mavericks Run Harrrrr.

Then she handed me this Harrrr.

An Air boat across the ocean Harrrr?

Yer Cap'n does not know if this is going to work Harrrr.
The front of the ship, she said the car would power the propellers and then we could disconnect the car and drive it on land Harrrr.

This propeller looks a little heavy Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n may be able to modify this so it could work Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Open to any suggestions

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n be watching the news this morning and saw there be a royal wedding Pez dispenser Harrrrr. The only bad news about that is there is only one Harrrrr. It be auctioned off on E-bay Harrrr.

Pirate in tranig Lindsey said her plans for The Good Ship Mavericks Run will be completed soon Harrrr. She had been working on it all night and still working on it today Harrr. Yer Cap'n can't wait to see them Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Work Harrrrr.

Harrrrr mateys

Yer Cap'n has been working very harrrrd on The Good Ship Mavericks Run Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n has been using these planks and mud to fill in the cracks to make The good ships Maverick Run leak proof Haarrrr.

Then Yer Cap'n Realized with all this work sailing to England for the wedding would take to long Harrrrr. So Yer Cap'n toughed of putting on an engine to go faster Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'n looked in the barn Harrrr. There be the tractor maybe that would be powerful enough Harrrr.
Looks a little small Harrrrr.

Then Lisa the Mean pointed out the Nova Harrrr.
Harrrr Mateys it looks worse for wears but it does have a race car engine in it Harrrr. Now all yer Cap'n needs is an engine hoist and some plans to put this on the ship Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n is going to ask pirate in training Lindsey to draw the plans Harrrr. She is fast so I know she can come up with the best plan Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Monday, April 04, 2011

Wedding present

Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n finally cleaned up the tool box yesterday Harrrrr. What a job Harrrrr. Then when yer Cap'n was going to start working on The Good Ship Mavericks Run it started to rain and thunder and lightning Harrrrrr. So yer Cap'n went looking for a Royal wedding present Harrrrrr. Yer Cap'n found this great toaster Harrrrr. Do ye mateys think Will and Kate will like it Harrrrr. It cooks eggs when ye are toasting yer toast Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate P.S. Still waiting for me invite Harrr.

Saturday, April 02, 2011


Harrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n was going to get me tools to work on the Good Ship Mavericks Run Harrrrr.

Then Guess what he find Harrrrr.

Yer Cap'ns tool box be a total mess Harrrrrr.

It is going to take a while for this to get cleaned up Harrrrr.

Just look at it mateys who would do this Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, April 01, 2011

Harrrr more drama

Harrrrrr Mateys Yer Cap'n called up his good buddy Cap'n Kirk because he works at price line now Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n asked him if he could load up all his crew members and use The Star Ship Enterprise Harrrr. He told me it was out of commission due to an infestation of Tribbles Harrrrrr. He did give yer cap'n a price on an airline though Harrrrrr. He told yer Cap'n he could fly first class on American Airlines for $11022 Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n is going to start looking at The Good Ship Mavericks Run and see what he can do to get this thing out of dry dock and sea worthy again Harrrrrr. Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Royal Wedding

Harrrrr Mateys

Yesterday yer Cap'n was looking for a better first class ticket to go to the Royal wedding Harrrrr. First yer Cap'n went to and they would not give me the first class option so that one is out Harrrrr.

Then yer Cap'n typed in Orbitz Harrrrrr. They gave me a better first class ticket price at $5266 but I would have to change planes 3 times Harrrr. One of the plane changes was in Rome Harrrr. that sounded cool then Lisa the Mean said there would be not enough time for sight seeing Harrrrr. So back to searching for a better ticket Harrrrr.

By the Way mateys yer cap'n found a list on Yahoo that will let ye comment on the Royal wedding Harrrr. Yer Cap'n went and looked but there where some not nice comments on there Harrrrr. It is not every day ye get a Royal wedding Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

P.S. Still waiting on me invite Harrrr.