Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Mateys
Does Everybody remeber the Wacky Races with Dick Dastardly's cool car.

If so ye guys need to check this out Harrrrr. Even if you don't remeber ye guys need to check this out Harrrr.
It is called the Maverick Harrrrr!!!!!!
Cap'n Maverick the Piarate
WOWZERS!!! Mav, that is SO COOL! Is Lisa the Not Really Mean going to get you one? Think of all the great possibilities!!! A flying CAR!!!
If she does get you one, drive/fly on out here, OK?
Play bows,
Harrr-woo, Captain! Definitely need one of those fur yourself! Wooo could fly coast to coast! (and drop by to see us, too!)
Black Jack-a-roo and Bumboo Moo
I likes da car...but I prefer a limo so I can ride in style. Does woo have a limo? And if woo do, will woo pick me up?
Soft husky wooooos,
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