Thursday, February 04, 2010

Ransom note

Harrrrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n found this crumpled up note when I was checking me favorite Pear tree Harrrr.

Do ye Mateys believe this? There are no grubs in the winter Harrrrrr. What is yer Cap'n going to do Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That has feline paws all over it.


the magic sleigh said...

Rut roooo, I think woo are going to have to be very tricksy on this one!Blackmail...Wooos, someone is going to pay, and hopefully it is not woo!

-Kira The BeaWootiful

Jack & Moo said...

Woo'd have guessed evil squirrels could print so furry neatly??? After all, who else would leave "more instructions" by a big tree stump? Woo don't need no stinkin police, just tell yer crew to hide nearby & then jump on the evil beasties when they show themselves!

we've got yer back, Cap'n!
Black Jack a-ro & Bumboo Moo too

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello capn maverick its dennis the vizsla dog hay this totaly luks like the wurk of the eevil ninja hedjhogs!!! my advice is to ply them with snayls and then strike wile they are in an engorjd stoopor!!! ok bye

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mav!
I am so clueless about this.
I guess I need to wait until tomorrow that you go for the instructions!
Be careful, ok?
Kisses and hugs