Yer Cap'n be debonaire, handsome, boyish, playful, scholarly and, last but not least, MAVERICK!!!
Harrr, Mateys. Now I be tagging Jack-A-Roo, Sitka, Lorenza, Ari, and Marco Polo.
Here be the task Mateys, ye post a picture and five words that describe yer self, then link it all up and post a comment to let the mateys know they be tagged and link back to where it come from.
Harrrr Mateys, get a posting.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
We're both a little speechless over here. To be honest, we're downright swooning. We always suspected you were debonaire and handsome--you certainly have that jaunty way about your prose. But my goodness, our hearts are all a flitter-flutter upon laying eyes on this photo. Handsome doesn't even BEGIN to describe you.
Thanks for tagging us! We got a tag from the Army of Four a few days ago, too, and just now put up our meme. You'll have to stop by and take a look.
Big, big hugs (and an even bigger crush!),
Hi, Mav!
All those words describe yourself very well! You look sooooo handsome in that picture!
I did the Memoir Meme some days ago. Thanks for thinking of me to play it!
Kisses and hugs
And a furry wet Monday morning at ya - Harrrrrr!!
Great job with selekhting the words that khaptured your YOU-ness!!!
Harrr! Ye clean up well, Cap'n!
Great job with the Meme! Harrr!
Yo ho ho and a bag o' Eukanuba!
Play bows,
Not bad, not bad at all I say. But you look a tad too cooperative there. Did she pay you?
Those are good words to describe you. I think it's cool that your name is also a describing word. I could say that I'm pretty "Steve" and my family would know what that means, but no one else would, so Maverick is a cool name!
You sure look very handsome and fluffy in the picture Maverick. :)
~ Girl girl
You are definitely every bit of all those words, including WINNER!!!
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