Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow fun

Harrrrr Mateys
Today it started to snow so yer Cap'n thought he would have some fun out in the snow Harrrr.

Lisa the Mean caught me in the act Harrrr.
Yer Cap'n giving Lisa the mean the I did not do it face Harrrr.
It still be snowing mateys now to think of something else to do Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate


Lorenza said...

Sure you were having fun, Mav!
But... sure it is too cold for me!
Kisses and hugs

D.K. Wall said...

And exactly how did you write in the snow?

Teddy Westlife said...

Mav you are too funny!

Jack & Moo said...

Ha-roo roo roo! Furry funny!
we've got snow today!

black jack a-roo and bumboo moo

Khady Lynn said...

Isn't all the snow grand!?!?!!!

We are totally have a blast here!

Khady Lynn

Anonymous said...

Our Husky, Katya, who loves the snow, is lucky enough to live in Rochester, where we get plenty of it. Me, I'm lucky to have a pair of flannel-lined jeans and new warm hat.
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