Yer Cap'n got this cool award from Admiral Huffle of the SKS Harrrrrr. Thanks Matey

These be the rules of the award Harrrrrr. You have to list 10 things that make you happy, and share the award with 10 blogs that make you smile.
The ten thing that makes yer Cap'n happy Harrrrr.
1. Dog shows
2. riding in the car
3. pirate activities
4. eating treats
5. digging in the mud
6. sleeping
7. breakfast
8. Dinner
9. reading blogs
10. playing with me toys
now Ten blogs that yer Cap'n is sending the award to in no particular order
3. Lorenza
6. Mochi
8. wild dingo
10. Tanuki Maxx
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Don't forget to watch Westminster tonight and tomorrow night Harrrrr. Working group is on Tuesday Harrrr.