Monday, February 15, 2010


Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n got this cool award from Admiral Huffle of the SKS Harrrrrr. Thanks Matey

These be the rules of the award Harrrrrr. You have to list 10 things that make you happy, and share the award with 10 blogs that make you smile.
The ten thing that makes yer Cap'n happy Harrrrr.
1. Dog shows
2. riding in the car
3. pirate activities
4. eating treats
5. digging in the mud
6. sleeping
7. breakfast
8. Dinner
9. reading blogs
10. playing with me toys
now Ten blogs that yer Cap'n is sending the award to in no particular order
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Don't forget to watch Westminster tonight and tomorrow night Harrrrr. Working group is on Tuesday Harrrr.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n would have the meerkats walk the plank but the pond be frozen Harrrrr. So ye mateys are going to have to wait until things warm up and the ice melts Harrrrrr. We don't want them sliding on the ice to safety so they could steel again Harrrr. So yer Cap'n is just going to have to keep them in the brig until things get warmer Harrrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Rang Tang

Harrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n be working all day getting his Rang Tang back Harrrrrrr.
First Here is a picture of me getting me Rang Tang Harrrrrr. He was put in Lisa the Means car as part of the instructions for the Ransom Harrrrr.
This be Yer Cap'n with the Rang Tang Harrrr.

Rang Tang is so happy to be back he made a snow angel Harrrrrr.

Rang Tang back on the good ship mavericks Run Harrrrr.

This be how yer Cap'n caught those sneaky Rang Tang robbing meerkats Harrrr.

Cameron Guarding the box so yer Cap'n can get the brig ready harrrrr.

Meerkats in the Brig Harrrrr

They are guilty and no trail will be held Harrrrrr. Yer Cap'n be so happy Rang Tang is back Harrrrr. Thanks Mateys
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Monday, February 08, 2010


Harrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n got an email from the Rang Tang robbers Harrrrrr. It read we only tied him up for the picture Harrrr. Yer Cap'n does not believe them Harrrrrrr. They also pushed back the ransom day back to Tuesday due to they don't like snow Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n is not happy about this Harrrrr.
Yer Cap'n could not find any grub so yer Cap'n had to be one creative pirate Harrrrrr.
See these yer Cap'n made them look like they had grubs inside Harrrrr
Think it will work Harrrrr?

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, February 05, 2010

Poor Rang Tang

Harrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n found the note by the big tree stump Harrrrr.
It read Check ur e-mail.
When yer Cap'n checked his e-mail this horrid picture came up Harrrrrr. With the words of help me Maverick. Leave the Grubs in a box by the pair tree Monday at noon No Police.

They gave me until Monday Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n Has a plan Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Ransom note

Harrrrrrrr Mateys
Yer Cap'n found this crumpled up note when I was checking me favorite Pear tree Harrrr.

Do ye Mateys believe this? There are no grubs in the winter Harrrrrr. What is yer Cap'n going to do Harrrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Missing Rang Tang!!!!!!

Harrrrrrrr Mateys
Last night Yer cap'n was playing with Rang Tang and now he is missing Harrrrr. If ye see him or hear anything about his location please call Yer Cap'n at 555-harr.
Yer Cap'n looked and looked and can't find him any where.
Here are some pictures of him Harrrrr.

Please Keep an eye out for him he makes a cool grunting nose if you push his belly Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate