Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Navigation Class

Harrrrr Mateys
Today be Wednesday ye mateys know what that means Cap'n Mavericks school of piracy Harrr.
Star of the Seven seas and Black Jack a Roo sent yer Cap'n a cool web site the other day Thank ye Mateys It was very helpful in today's class Harrrr.
Yer Cap'n found information on how to make a compass Harrrr. This way ye mateys know where ye be going at all times Harrrr.
You will need a magnet, a cork, a nail, a shallow dish approximately eight or nine inches in diameter, a twelve inch square piece of oaktag, and a ballpoint pen or indelible marker.
1.Mark the four points of the compass along the edges of the oaktag square. Include NE, SE, NW, and SW if you choose.
2.Magnetize the nail by rubbling it, in one direction only, with one pole of the magnet.
3.Press nail through the length of the cork until the cork is centered on the nail.
4.Fill the dish with water and place it in the center of the oaktag square.
5.Place cork in the shallow dish of water.
6.Line up the north mark on the oaktag square with the pointed end of the nail.

Harrrrr Yer Cap'n could not find or didn't have a nail, oaktag, a shallow dish, or a cork Harrrr. So in true pirate fashion yer cap'n improvised Harrrr. I used a sewing needle, a plastic straw, a small bowl, and paper Harrrrr
Magnetizing the needle Harrrrr.

Lining up the point to North Harrrrr.

We got it exactly pointing north Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n using his compass to plot out his next adventure Harrrr.
So mateys make a compass it be fun Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Marti Gras

Harrrrrrr Mateys
Today be Marti Gras or Fat Tuesday Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n sailed down to New Orleans to party for a little bit Harrrr. When Yer Cap'n get home Lisa the Mean be waiting for me Harrrrr. The Cap'n be so busted Harrrr. Yer Cap'n be taking Lisa the Mean with me tonight Harrrrr.

These be the Cap'n beads Harrrrr.

Look at all the beads. Harrrr Yer Cap'n be such a party animal Harrrr.

This one is yer cap'ns favorite Harrrr. It be a crab Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Monday, February 23, 2009


Harrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n was awarded this grrrreat award Harrrrr. It be the Squirrel Patrol Award Harrrrr. I will do everything in me power to not let the secret Squirrels get on me pirate ship or in me yard to spy on me Harrrr. Thank Ye Kira the Navigator Harrr.

Look at this cool toy yer Cap'n get yesterday Harrrr.

That is right it be a slinky Jr. Harrrr.

Look at how cool it be Harrrrr.

It be so much fun Harrrr. Look how flexible it be Harrrr.

Slinky Slinky what a fabulous toy Slinky Slinky for every Pirate Girl and Pirate Boy Everybody loves the Slinky Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jean Lafitte

Harrrrrr Mateys
It be Wednesday Harrrr. Ye know what that means another instalment of Cap'n Maverick School of Piracy Harrr.
This be the Prince of Pirates Harrrrr. His name be Jean Lafitte.
Nobody knows where he be born Harrrrr. He could speak French English Italian and Spanish Harrr that be a lot of languages Harrr. He appeared in New Orleans in 1803 and was familiar with the bayous and marshes from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico. Harrr, that gave him an advantage in his trade of privateering, or bein' a pirate. Harrr.
Jean Lafitte fought in the battle of New Orleans in the war of 1812 on the American side . It be quite possible he turn the tide of battle so the Americans won. Lafitte and his men were pardoned for their bravery Harrr.
After that Jean Lafitte disappeared and nobody knows where he went Harrrr.
Ye Mateys can find out more about Jean Lafitte on this web site Harrr.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Harrrrrrrrr Mateys

Yer Cap'n wanted to congratulate all of the winners from Mango Minster Harrrrr. Among the winners was me and I received a special judges Award of Honor Harrrrr. Yer Cap'n was very pleased with this Harrrr. Thank you Bolo who judged this harrrd working group Harrrrrr.

Also Yer Cap'n received a lovely blog award from Dennis the Vizsla Dog Harrrr. Thank You Dennis Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yum Yum Put It in my Tum Yum Yum Yumm

Harrrrrrr Mateys
The following post may be disturbing to some humans so cover there eyes if they are grossed out very easily Harrrr.
Ye be warned Harrrr.
Lisa the Mean brought up this box from the freezer this morning Harrrr. It smelled Great Harrrr. It got yer Cap'n all excited Harrrr.

This is where you might want to cover yer humans eyes Harrrrr.

This be a big mass of frozen pig ears Harrrr.

These be separated pig ears on a sheet Harrrrr.

These be the pig ears cooking in the oven Harrrr. It made the whole house smell like bacon Harrrr.

These are the finished pig ears cooked and ready to eat Harrrr.

Doesn't this look grrrreat mateys Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Pirate Valentines Day

Harrrrrrr Mateys
This year yer Cap'n sent out valentines through snail mail Harrrrr. They be Pirates of the Caribbean valentines Harrr. For those that have not gotten there valentines Harrrrr. Bad Mail Man Harrr. Yer Cap'n took pictures of all the valentines and is sending them out to you on me blog Harrrr.

For some reason this one got blurry Harrrr. It's a Pirate's Life for me Valentine Harrr.

This one also is a little blurry Harrrr.for those that can't make it out Harrr. Your a swashbuckling valentine Harrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Wishing all the Pirates out there a adventurous Valentine's Day

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Harrrrrr Mateys
Yesterday Yer Cap'n did not get a chance to give ye mateys a pirate lesson Harrrr. Sorry bout that Harrrr.

The pole that yer Cap'n has been blogging about this pole Harrr. This is all they have done to it Harrrr.
Yer Cap'n has big plans for the pole and has not found a good way to get it up to The Good Ship Mavericks Run Harrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
P.S Yer Cap'n is entered in Mango Minster Harrrr. So go vote for yer fave Harrrr.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Harrrrrrr Mateys
I be taking pictures with me new camera and look what yer Cap'n spotted Harrrr.
It is a C-A-T Harrrrr.

Then another one showed up Harrrr.

Then they joined forces Harrrr.

Yer Cap'n is sure they are up to something Harrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Friday, February 06, 2009

New toys

Harrrrrrr Mateys

Last week mom went to the dog show Harrrrrr. She found these great toys for the Cap'n Harrrrr. I guess she felt like she had to make up for the balloon sword Harrr.

First she got me this soft touch camera Harrrrr. If i drop it the camera will not brake Harrrr. When yer Cap'n takes a picture it squeaks Harrrrr.

She also got me this parrot Harrrrr.

This be yer Cap'n looking at his camera Harrrr.

This be yer Cap'n taking a picture of Lisa the Mean as she is taking a picture of me Harrrr.

This be a picture of yer Cap'n posing with my new parrot on me shoulder Harrrr.

After Yer Cap'n be done with his toys he puts them away where nobody can get to them Harrrrr.

Have to make sure yer Cap'n has them mapped out so he knows where to find them Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Pirate Weapons

Harrrrrrr Mateys

It be Cap'n Mavericks School of Piracy Harrrrr. Today we are going to talk about weapons Harrrrr. Usually the typical pirate would carry with him a big bunch o weapons. Here be some examples mateys.

Musket for far away combat Harrrr

Or a Blunderbuss

A Boarding AX to cut nets and riggings Harrrr.

The ever popular pistol

A pirate cutlass, not too long and not too short, to protect themselves if the ship be boarded by enemy pirates or worse, the Navy!!

They would also have bombs filled with musket balls, nails or broken glass or anything else they could find that would make shrapnel Harrrr.

But this be the Cap'n favorate weapon Harrrr.

Are you ready this is the most innovative thing and only a true pirate could think it up Harrr

Do you know what it is Harrrr.

It be a stink bomb Harrrrrrr.

The pirates would take a piece of cloth and fill it with anything stinky Harrrr.

They would fill it with rotting meat, dead seagulls or other bird, rotten rat, dead mice, or anything else you could think of that stunk so bad Harrrr.

Then they would put a fuse in it and toss it on the other ship Harrrrr. It has been reported after the stink bombs would explode sometimes the sailors would jump off the ship to get away from the smell and to get it off of them Harrrrr.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate